P.O. Box 71042, Albany GA 31708


Are you hosting a Car Show, Cruise-In, or other automotive-related event which may be of interest to our members? We are always looking for events located anywhere in Georgia, Alabama, or northern Florida.

If you are organizing an automotive event anywhere in Georgia, Alabama, or northern Florida, we'd love to list it on our calendar! Click here to find out how to add your event to our calendar.

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Note that some events on our calendar are not hosted by the Artesian City Car Club. These listings are provided as a courtesy to our membership and visitors, and do not represent an endorsement by the Artesian City Car Club of those events or the hosting organization(s). Be sure to confirm dates and times with event organizers. Most of car events are outdoor and can be rescheduled or cancelled if there is bad weather. If you have any questions about a specific event, please contact the event organizer directly.